As an RMT for nearly a decade, I have found this to be the MOST requested type of massage that clients are seeking. This also happens to be my favourite type of massage to give! So what’s it all about?
Deep Tissue Massage is essentially a massage using deep or firm pressure. It is often a slower paced massage with more deep muscle stripping and specific trigger point work (all the good stuff, in my opinion!) I personally use lotion instead of oil to provide more drag and friction on the tissue for an added myofascial release benefit. It is a perfect combination of intense yet relieving.
Should Deep Tissue Massage be painful? Not necessarily. It can certainly produce discomfort at times, but it is not necessary or beneficial to elicit discomfort beyond the clients threshold or tolerance level. This is why I always check in and encourage open communication before, during and after treatment.
Have you tried Deep Tissue Massage Therapy? How has it benefited you?
Amanda Marrama, RMT