Please note there will be a fee increase for Registered Massage Therapy and Osteopathic Treatments effective May 15, 2024
Massage Therapy fee schedule as of May 15, 2024 will be as follows:
30 minutes $68 + HST = $76.84
45 minutes $86 + HST =$97.18
60 minutes $105 + HST =$118.65
75 minutes $120+ HST =$135.60
90 minutes $138 + HST =$155.94
Osteopathic fee schedule as of May 15, 2024 will be as follows:
Initial Osteopathic Consultation and Treatment $96 + HST
Osteopathic Ongoing Treatment $76 + HST
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to continuing to be your Whole Wellness Destination in the heart of Burlington.