Having recently completed her Level 1, Manual Lymph Drainage certification and working towards her Level 2, Jennifer Mesaric, Registered Massage Therapist shares some info on what MLD is and how it helps in treatment:
This is a gentle, non-invasive manual technique that has a powerful effect on the body. Developed in France in 1932 by Emil and Estrid Vodder, MLD has grown to be the most well known manual technique to assist lymph flow and aid in drainage of tissues.
The Lymphatic system is a natural cleansing system that “trickles” through our bodies. It sits between the skin and the muscles and helps the body remove waste and debris as well as return fluids back to the heart and blood vessels. The techniques although hands on, are very superficial and treat a multitude of ailments such as headaches/migraines, neurological related issues such as Bell’s Palsy, chronic sinusitis, acne/rosacea, digestive issues, wounds, burns, fractures, pre and post operations as well as reducing the symptoms of post workout soreness. This is also a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Many patients experience enhanced relaxation and often find themselves falling asleep.
Specific more severe conditions such as Lymphedema or other areas of painful swelling and fluid retention in the tissues can also be eased using MLD techniques and because they are so gentle to the touch, treatment is not painful. Helping to release and move lymphatic fluid towards the lymph nodes can provide some much needed relief.
Some other conditions that may benefit from MLD are:
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency
- Lipedema
MLD is not recommended if someone has:
- a heart condition
- kidney failure
- blood clots
- infection
Want to learn more or add MLD to your wellness plan?
Book online with Jenn M. or connect directly with her to ask more about MLD: jenniferm@thrivemassagewellness.com.