Registered Massage Therapy Fee Schedule: Fall 2018

Aug 28, 2018


Thrive will be increasing our Registered Massage Therapy fees as of September 1, 2018 (posted in house since July 15, 2018) bringing our fees into better alignment with current fee guidelines for our location.

Registered Massage Therapists in Ontario are regulated by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and our (optional) professional association is the Registered Massage Therapy Association of Ontario (RMTAO).  We look to the RMTAO as our watchdog on current issues and guidelines for best practice as Regulated Health Care Professionals.  It is the Association who monitors and determines fair and accurate Massage Therapy Fee Schedule for the varying regions in the province.

A Registered Massage Therapist’s Scope of Practice is defined by the RMTAO as:

“… a regulated health profession in much the same way that physicians, nurses, physiotherapists and chiropractors are regulated. The profession is governed by a Scope of Practice, which is defined as follows:
“The practice of massage therapy is the assessment of the soft tissue and joints of the body, and the treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissues and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function, or relieve pain.”
Within their practice, massage therapists will use a variety of procedures and modalities to provide services within the scope of practice. “Massage” is a general term describing one or several treatment modalities, and is often mistakenly used and confused with the practice of massage therapy.”

The RMTAO has based their suggested Fee Schedules on the following:

“When establishing a fee for an appointment or session of a set duration, the services provided during that appointment or session are as outlined in Section V (see below) and include much more than the provision of massage services. In other words, time paid for should not be confused with actual treatment time, that is, the amount of time required to provide a specific treatment (modality or series of modalities).”

Section V is outlined as:

 Intake/interview
 Initial assessment or re-assessment
 Treatment
 Self-care recommendations
 Charting and administration
“The RMTAO has published a recommended fee schedule for the information of massage therapists. This is not a mandatory schedule. As such, massage therapists must set their own fees based on their practice and the environment in which it exists. The RMTAO’s guideline is intended to provide a benchmark against which massage therapists can begin to develop their fee schedule, modifying it based on the location of their practice, their years of experience, the size of their existing client base etc.”

The updated Thrive Registered Massage Therapy Fee Schedule will reflect the most current 2018 guidelines as recommended by the RMTAO and will be on par with other current fee schedules in the Burlington area.

The updated Fee Schedule will be in effect September 1, 2018 and is as follows:

15 minutes $40

30 minutes $60

45 minutes $75

60 minutes $90

75 minutes $110

90 minutes $135

All Massage Therapy fees are inclusive of HST.

All of our practitioners are dedicated to providing our clients with the best of treatment in a professional, warm and friendly environment and we look forward to continuing to meet all of your wellness needs.