At Thrive we want you to have the utmost confidence that we are maintaining the highest standards of care for you and for our team. That means confirming for you, our clients, that we as Regulated Health Professionals (including our vigilant team of office staff) are continuing to maintain, and as necessary, increase our level of cleaning and disinfecting to keep you safe and healthy in our space.
As Regulated Health Professionals in Ontario, we stay updated on the most current information through our governing bodies re: COVID-19 and follow the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization recommendations for cleanliness within our wellness space. As always, we consistently maintain the health standards set by our governing boards “Standards of Practice” and “Infection Prevention and Control Act” and are continuing to increase protocol as necessary throughout the day to better manage the current concerns of our community.
We take your health and wellness, and ours, seriously. Here’s how:
-Consistently washing hands (there’s a lot of singing “happy birthday” happening around here) before and after every single client/treatment and after computer usage-Cleaning of surfaces, massage tables/face rests using PureGreen 24 Disinfectant between each client-Freshly laundered linens between every client, linens washed with bleach -Disinfecting of lotion bottles/stools/desks etc… between clients-Consistent wiping and disinfecting of door handles, bathroom doors, keyboards, POS machine, counter surfaces, tables and reception chairs with disinfectant wipes-Hand sanitizers provided for clients and team members in each treatment room and in the common areas (wash your hands in the bathrooms please!) -Individual hand towels (as always freshly laundered) for use in all bathrooms
We request and encourage any of our clients who are feeling unwell, or have a family member who is unwell, or if you have travelled outside of Canada in the past 2 weeks, to kindly reschedule your appointment for 2 weeks after illness or 2 weeks after your return to home. You will not be charged for cancelling your appointment, as this is the most responsible thing for you to do and for us to offer to help better manage the health and wellness within our clinic space.
If you are feeling well… We are still here! We are committed to continuing to see our clients and help you manage your own health and wellness, and promise you that our team will follow the same standard and protocol we are asking of you. If anything changes for our team and clinic as a whole, we will inform you all immediately.
We are grateful for your continued support and commitment to helping us maintain a healthy space for us all.
Please continue to monitor trusted sources like the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization for updated information and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly at and I will connect with you ASAP.